Drake-Brockman is a cybernetics artist
specialising in public installations. His
autonomous robotic and optical artworks interact
with audiences to bring about dynamic
human/machine performances based on mutual
"My background in Computer Science informs on
ongoing project to create automata - interactive,
self-determined, expressive machines - that test
distinctions between person and artefact. I seek
to create works that are able to support unique,
emergent, ongoing, dialogues between viewer and
art object."
"I am fascinated by robot mythologies - popular
stories about 'made beings' such as Pinnochio,
Coppelia, and Frankenstein. My work crystallises
from these mythic possibilities to create
technological agents that are behaviourally free,
deeply connected, and that dwell here, among us."
"In many of my works I include a reflective
element - a mirror. This inclusion is deliberate,
as I see every created being as a kind of mirror.
The implication is that the relationship between
creator and created is ultimately reciprocal. Via
the precession of simulacra our creations reveal
in us aspects of an 'inverse Pinocchio' – the real
boy who wishes he was wooden."